We provide you with a process to work out tasks for all parties to minimise cost and time. In our matters we do not contribute to unnecessary delays and assets are distributed promptly and fairly. We use a team approach to ensure the best possible outcome, while working through your legal issues with care and compassion.
At Masons Solicitors we understand that dealing with a deceased estate is one of the more difficult challenges in life. The last thing you wish to deal with when you are grieving from the loss of someone important in your life is mountains of paperwork, legal jargon and possible family disputes.
Our team are experienced in sifting through complex agreements and contracts. We focus on what you need to enjoy life.
There are several ways for people to own or occupy premises in a retirement village. People can occupy retirement villages under either:
Before signing, your contract is checked and advice given by an experienced solicitor after conducting initial searches and identifying any matters that may need your attention over the course of the matter.
We provide you an estimate of stamp duty and any other taxation requirements. Service offered to clients at no extra charge.
At Masons Solicitors, we always recommend seeking the advice of an experienced lawyer whilst reviewing alternative retirement village options and prior to signing any documents regarding occupation.
We can also assist you with interpreting the Retirement Villages Act 1999 and the Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003 and can provide you with a full understanding of your legal position.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Disclosure Statement.
Masons Solicitors. Website by dms CREATiVE.