All steps are managed in an efficient, friendly environment with a team who cares for you.
We provide you with a process to work out tasks for all parties to minimise cost and time. In our matters we do not contribute to unnecessary delays and assets are distributed promptly and fairly. We use a team approach to ensure the best possible outcome, while working through your legal issues with care and compassion.
At Masons Solicitors we understand that dealing with a deceased estate is one of the more difficult challenges in life. The last thing you wish to deal with when you are grieving from the loss of someone important in your life is mountains of paperwork, legal jargon and possible family disputes.
Use of Solicitors Trust Account for deposit of funds, payment of balance settlement monies, stamp duty. Our team is trained at risk avoidance and gives you the tools you need not to be caught out. Our staff are all trained in cyber security which gives you peace of mind.
Electronic settlements are available wherever possible.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Disclosure Statement.
Masons Solicitors. Website by dms CREATiVE.